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Installation Guide - MacFuse
- We found a pre-compiled package for Mac called MacFUSE that installs and configures FUSE on a Mac since FUSE seems to be dependent on a Linux kernel
- MacFUSE Wiki (files, information and help provided by the developers)
- Run HelloWorld test on FUSE to make sure the installation worked (the source for the HelloWorld test can be found in the wiki which is just a link to: HelloWorld.c)
- Detailed HELLOWORLDFS instructions to test out the file system (instructions were pulled from the link in the header of the HelloWorld.c page)
- Summary of the instructions to test MacFUSE using HelloWorld :
- Save HelloWorld.c
- Use these commands to do the test:
- gcc -Wall -o hello hello.c -lfuse
- Make a temporary directory:
- Run HelloWorld file system using the command:
- ./hello /tmp/hello -oping_diskarb,volname=Hello
- We're specifying a couple of options when we mount the volume. The
ping_diskarb option causes the volume to appear in the Finder, and the volname option gives the name to use for the volume.
- After executing these commands, you should see the volume Hello in the Finder. If you look at the volume, it contains one file:
hello.txt . You can double-click hello.txt to open it in TextEdit and see that it contains the text "Hello World!" - To unmount the HelloWorld file system use the command:
Last modified 2007/08/17.