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Secure Log For Wide-Area Distributed Storage
Installation Guide - Bamboo
- Installing & Testing Bamboo
- perl -w
- Start up a node (option 4)
- Starting localhost:3630 with gateway localhost:3630.
cfg=/tmp/experiment-1478-localhost-3630.cfg log=/tmp/experiment-1478-localhost-3630.log pid=1479
- Check object pointers (option 2)
- "Some text here
- All counts okay."
- If you see "All counts okay" then the test was successful
- Bamboo is both a Distributed Hash Table (DHT) as well as an "operating system"
- By operating system, we mean that antiquity or anyone provides Bamboo with configuration files (.cfg) and Bamboo takes these files and executes them on its system. Bamboo then creates a gateway for the configuration file, which can be viewed through a web browser. So Bamboo's operating system structure never changes, and its job is to merely wait for a configuration file to be given to it so it can execute it
- Bamboo does have the capability of providing a DHT but for antiquity purposes, we will not be using this functionality
- Running Bamboo (Bamboo Guide)
- Recall:
- The note above describes Bamboo to provide an operating system for configuration files to be run on
- Start Bamboo:
- To run Bamboo in some configuration other than a simple test, you need to create a configuration file for each node you want to run. Go ahead and save this config file as /tmp/gateway.cfg
- Start up the bamboo node:
- /bamboo/bin/run-java bamboo.lss.DustDevil /tmp/gateway.cfg
- Receive errors (should only be seen by Intel Mac users):
- Exception in thread "main" java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: /Users/user/bamboo/lib/darwin/libdb_java-4.2.jnilib:
- at java.lang.ClassLoader$NativeLibrary.load(Native Method)
- at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadLibrary0(
- at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadLibrary(
- at java.lang.Runtime.loadLibrary0(
- at java.lang.System.loadLibrary(
- at com.sleepycat.db.db_javaJNI.(
- at com.sleepycat.db.DbEnv.(
- at bamboo.db.StorageManager.init(
- at bamboo.lss.DustDevil.init_nodes(
- at bamboo.lss.DustDevil.main(
- at bamboo.lss.DustDevil.main(
- at bamboo.lss.DustDevil.main(
- Fix:
- The current library /bamboo/lib/darwin/libdb_java-4.2.jnilib used in Bamboo is compiled for Mac PPC and we are running it on an Intel Mac, so this library along with /libdb-4.2dylib (in the same directory as the other one) needs to be updated to a compatible version capable of running on an Intel Mac
- x86 (Intel Mac) versions of these files are already located in/antiquity/lib/darwin_x86/ so we can just copy them from that folder over to /bamboo/lib/darwin/
- cp ~/antiquity/lib/darwin_x86/libdb_java-4.2.jnilib ~/bamboo/lib/darwin
- cp ~/antiquity/lib/darwin_x86/libdb-4.2.dylib ~/bamboo/lib/darwin
- Run node again:
- /bamboo/bin/run-java bamboo.lss.DustDevil /tmp/gateway.cfg
- Successful output:
- You should see:
- lots of INFO messages regarding configurations
- Sandstorm: Ready
- Tapestry: Ready
- :watchdog awakened messages
- To see the node's info on the web browser, open:
Last modified 2007/08/17.